Why grow native groundcover?
Simply, its much better for the environment and kinder to your wallet. Grass needs constant mowing to maintain a neat appearance. This takes time and fuel which costs money and releases harmful CO2. With rising living costs and climate change, why would anyone do that?
There are heaps of native options to choose from but the ones shown below are easy to maintain, requires no mowing and suited for Aucklands climate.
(Lobelia Angulata)
A frost hardy native creeper with wide rounded deep green leaves. In spring white starry flowers with purple veins appear, followed in autumn with reddish-purple fruit. Full sun or part shade.
Great for damp soils.
Mercury Bay Grass
(Dichondra Repens)
This is probably growing in most Aucklands lawns. Folks think it’s a weed when in reality it is a very good native groundcover that tolerates different types of soils and does well in both shady and sunny areas. A great substitute for grass and needs no mowing!
New Zealand Daphne
(Primelea Prostata)
Best used as a ground cover in a coastal garden or hanging over low walls and great for rockeries and in containers.
They’re easy to maintain and don’t need healthy soil to grow well.
White Clover
Whats not to love about clover?
Though not native, clover is a much better option than say Kikuyu which is a noxious weed from Africa.
Clover has a bad rep for being a weed when in fact it is beneficial to soil and other plants by adding nitrogen into the soil. Farmers use it to fix their pastures while bees love it as it is very good for honey production.
You cant spell Clover without love.